Saturday, November 8, 2008

Trying to roll over - 12 weeks

Here is a video we shot today of Anika trying to roll over. She only gets halfway, but what a cute smile we captured. Its getting really fun as she tries to sit up, hold her head up, kick her legs, roll over and generally not succeed yet at any of them. She's also started screaming, in her cute little baby way, which is adorable. I'll have to try to record that for you later.


  1. It looks like she has almost found her thumb for sucking too! Raley was the best screamer, no screecher, of any baby I have ever met... and so proud of herself when she'd do it too!

    I also like Anika's sigh at the end of the video as if to say "Okay, I'm done now."

  2. She is so cute! And she's on one of the blankets I made! yay! I loved hearing her talk at the end. The videos you guys post are so much fun!
