Sunday, October 25, 2009

Words Words Words

It seems that 14 months is a time when toddlers often pick up new words. I thought it would be a good exercise to try and remember what words Ani is saying, what she is signing, etc. If I don't write it down now, I will never remember.


words she can say:
Bah (ball)
Daw (dog)
on (sometimes it means again)
awlp (help)
MMMMoooore (more)
yesh (yes)
nnnnoooooh (no)
nnnnooooh (nose - I know, it sounds the same as no, but the z sound isn't there yet. this is usually accompanied by pointing at her nose)
Ah dun (all done)
AAAAHHHHHHH (I am very frustrated right now!) - ok, so that isn't a word. But she is definitely using this one very often and trying to communicate so I felt it belonged here.

words she can sign:
water (she can't actually do this sign yet. BUT, when I do the sign she makes a very specific hand motion not at all the same as mine, which I believe is her attempt to do the sign. So, she can sign water, but it is just a sign she has made up on her own)
please (this one is adorable - usually very emphatic and done with both hands, just in case mommy isn't getting the hint)
all done

Hope you have enjoyed the vocabulary update.

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