Sunday, June 15, 2008

The other baby

I didn't get a chance to post yet about my other baby, Monty the Dog. Last monday Monty had a seizure in the morning and we had to go to the doggy hospital. It was very scary for us all. The good news: they tested his blood and watched him all day and found that he is not going through organ failure, nor does he appear to have eaten poison. So he appears to be a happy, healthy dog with mild epilepsy.

Epilepsy is apparently very common in small terrier type breeds, which Monty probably has some of, and since it is mild (we only think we know about 2 seizures ever) he doesn't even need medicine or to see a doggy neurologist.

So its exciting times here in the Phillips household! Perhaps our first baby thought he wasn't getting enough attention....


  1. I think the first baby can always get more attention (at least in his mind!). I had a dream last night that we were having a dinner party and I invited Mike and you and you accepted and were coming... I was sad when I woke up. So, what to come for dinner? :)

  2. I'd love to come for dinner.

    but I am glad you will be back on this side of the country for a while.

  3. I'd love to come for dinner.

    but I am glad you will be back on this side of the country for a while.
