Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Where we are registered

So far, we have registered at Target and online at

Target items may be purchased in the stores or online is an internet only registry, but it allows us to register for anything that is sold on the internet. So if we liked it better or saw it for less, we registered here instead.

Don't look for us at Babiesrus. We pretended to register so they would send us coupons, but you will be very disappointed with your choices.

Special Requests:
We have a small 2 bedroom apartment, so we are looking for necessities (strollers, high chair seats, carseat, diapers, changing pad, crib, etc.) and not big bulky stuff - such as an exersaucer. Think compact - portable if you decide to venture off the registry. We have absolutely zero storage room for extra gear.

If you would like any other information, let me know and I will "keep you posted"


  1. Hey, Had to tell you about a few things that I never would have guessed I wanted/needed as much as I do. 1) A bouncy seat. Mine is really simple-no lights or toys, but we wore it out the first 6 weeks. She took lots of naps in it and it is great for having her mobile and yet not in your arms. She still likes it but prefers to sit upright and not recline so we don't use it as often. 2)A floor gym. I bought one that switches from tummy to back and then turns into a tunnel for when she starts to crawl. It entertains her for HOURS-really! 3) A Bumbo seat. I just got this (now that she can hold her head up). She loves it, makes her feel more involved I think. Anyway those are things that do take up floor space but have proven to make life much more enjoyable. You have to wonder how kids 'back in the day' ever made it without 75 toys to 'teach' them. :-) Glad you are doing well!

  2. well, shoot, i was gonna by that little granddaughter her "first baby car", but since the scoota-saucer is out, i'm figgering the Mercedes is too :)

    Can't wait to see you 3! (Wow, that was FUN to type!!!)

    Papa Tony :)

  3. Karie,
    Did she actually bounce around in the bouncy seat? Or did she just like to be up high and look around?

    Dad - er I mean Tony,
    If you still want to get her a Mercedes, we can keep that out on the street, so we have plenty of room.
