Sunday, May 25, 2008

Week 29 the countdown begins

Now the baby should be about 2.5 lbs and roughly the size of a butternut squash. In 8 weeks she will be full term and it should be safe for her to be born with no need for the NICU. Of course, she is more likely to take 11-13 weeks to come out, but as long as she takes at least 8, we'll be just fine.

We had our planned shower yesterday which was a lot of fun. My friend Erin put a lot of work into it and I think it was lovely. We even had shower games, which I wouldn't have thought I wanted until I had another shower and we didn't play any, but they were really fun. I'm glad we had them.

Of course we now have lots of clothes for the baby, who can resist buying all those cute clothing items? I took my glucose test on friday to test for gestational diabetes. We won't know until the results come back, but I am not very high risk so I am not too worried about it.

I also had the joy of my first Rogam shot. (spelling might be way off). Apparently my blood is negative, and Mike's blood is positive. Which means if the baby has positive blood and her blood comes in contact with mine, my body will build antibodies against positive blood. Which probably won't effect her. But if any future babies are positive I may miscarry since my body will see them as an infection. So the Rogam prevents me from making antibodies to positive blood. I'll get another shot at birth just to make sure.

So that's all we have. Ani (ah-knee) and I are doing fine. She is kicking a lot stronger now, so that is a good sign she is getting bigger and stronger.



  1. Glad everyone is well on your nice long weekend! You should post pictures of your shower! :)

  2. I agree about posting shower pictures. I also think you should post a belly picture so we can see how big a butternut squash is! :)
