Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Here we go"- from daddy

In between resting her eyes and body in the recliner and moaning with a low primal voice during contractions (which is somehow so sexy), Julie has asked that I update the bog. So here's time.

Julie was having braxton hicks all day yesterday and woke about about 3 a.m. this morning with some back pain. She laid in bed for awhile, eventually got up, took both a shower and a bath, and around 5:30 woke me up. Her contractions have been very frequent ever since 6:00-- lasting about a minute per contraction and 3 minutes between them. Leslie, one of our midwifes, said that Julie seems to be in labor and even though the contractions are frequent, since they are not extremely strong yet (Julie is still laughing and joking), we are in the early stages still and should call back around 9 with an update assuming everything stays on its current course. We, however, probably will not be updating the rest of you until Anika makes her appearance. (fingers crossed)


  1. Thank you for updating!! I'm so excited for you!

  2. Hooray! Keep us posted (get it, 'cause it's a blog... teehee). Perhaps today is the day?!
