Sunday, August 17, 2008

Week 1 - 6 days old

Anika is 6 days old today. I thought this picture with Monty would put her size into perspective - though you should know we took this picture on day 5. Monty is adjusting well to having her here. He is very cautious and tentative with her, and mostly in an attempt to get past her so one of us will pet him. She hasn't really noticed him yet - she's mostly in a sleep/nurse cycle with very little time for looking around. And here is a picture of the two of us. See - I swear she smiles already.


  1. Well... the votes are in. I think she looks like Mike. Reid thinks she looks like Julie!

  2. Julie, this is my favorite photo so far...two beautiful girls! Can't wait till we see you three...ooops...four (sorry Monty).

  3. She's just delightfully lovely. Big congrats. You did an excellent job!!
