Saturday, August 2, 2008

Mini Watermelon week

Week 39 - Anika is "due" in 8 days and according to the web is roughly the size of a mini-watermelon. So go out to the grocery store and cradle that watermelon, cause she is almost here.

As we are preparing for birth, one of the suggestions we found was to imagine the animal that most said "motherhood" or "labor" for us, and draw a picture. I drew a kangaroo - perhaps influenced by A.A. Milne as the symbol of mothering, and Michael drew a killer whale. What? you might say? How are killer whales motherly? Well apparently he wanted to make a fish, but then realized that they lay eggs and don't "give birth" so he had to think of a sea mammal, and voila, the killer whale.

But actually, killer whale birth is totally awesome. Lots of them just spiral around and use centrifugal force to push the baby out. You can watch the head first birth at this website to see what I mean. It is awesome.
I wish I could just do it that way.

1 comment:

  1. Great clips of the whales. and it does seems a lot easier doesn't it??
    Jenna's Mom
