Sunday, March 2, 2008

17 weeks...finally!

As of Saturday we were officially 17 weeks pregnant... again. Which means baby phillips should be roughly the size of a turnip. Do not confuse this with a raddish or a parsnip, which are both smaller than an avocado. Turnips are surprisingly quite large.

An added bonus, Measure for Measure closed today, and while usually the closing of a show is filled with nostalgia and sadness, all I feel is RELIEVED!! Finally I can be down to two jobs and just work on making a baby in my spare time.

So now, I spent the evening recovering and will spend the next two days preparing to go to SETC in Chatanooga, TN. It will be interesting to go this year since my budget is zero and it will be an 8 hour drive each way, but life is full of interesting experiences.

And on a side note, congratulations to Jenna who has made an offer on her first house. My aren't we all growing up so quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for show closings and SETC!! I wish I was going too (though TN isn't nearly as appealing as Orlando)! We have to talk soon. When is your spring break?
